Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Puzzle for the day

Put the numbers 1, 2,3 ,4 , 5, 6, 7 in the circles so that each straight line of three numbers adds up to the same total.

Hint 1: As 7 is the largest of all numbers put it in the center circle.

Hint 2: Make pairs of the numbers that add up to 7 so that the total is 14.

Sunday, 13 October 2013


See a number line.....

Observe on this number line, what is the distance between the points 4 and 6?
It is 2 units, also 6 lies on the right of 4.

 Can you tell the distance between 2 and 7?

It is 5 units, also observe on the number line 7 lies on the right of 2.
So, 6 > 4 and 7 > 2.

So, if we want to compare two whole numbers on a number line we can say that the number which lies on the right is greater. As seen in the above examples 6 lies on the right of 4 so 6 is greater and as 7 lies on the right of 2 so 7 is greater.

Similarly for the same examples we can say that 4 lies on the left of 6 so, 4 is less than 6.

If suppose three whole numbers are to be compared using a number line say 32, 12, 21 then first mark these numbers on the number line.

Which number can you say will be at the farthest right? We can see that 21 lie on the right of 12, and 32 on the right of 21.

So, 32 > 21 > 12.
So, now if you are given two large whole numbers say, 1053 and 2356, which number will lie on the right?

As 2356 > 1053, hence 2356 lies on the right.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Time for the answer

The answer to riddle is 24 = 2* 3* 4

How did u find it?

Write down all the numbers between 12 and 40 that are:
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 , 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

Now Clue 1 says it does not have 5 or 7 as the factor, so cancel out all numbers that have 5 or 7 as factor. we are left with:
13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39

Now, Clue 2: One of the factors is 4. Pick numbers with factor as 4.

16, 24, 36

Now out of these:
16 = 4 * 4
24 = 2 * 3 * 4
36 = 6 * 6

So, the answer is 24

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Wait for the answer..will be up tomorrow...

Friday, 4 October 2013


How to draw a number line?

#     First draw a line

#    Mark a point on it. Label this point as 0.

#  Mark a point on the right of this point and label it as 1. The distance between 0 and 1 is called unit distance.

#   Mark another point to the right of 1 keeping the same distance as between 0 and 1 that is at unit distance. Label it as 2. 

#    In this way we can label other points 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on in this manner.

#      This is called a number line of whole numbers

Applications of number line

Using a number line, we can:

  •      Compare two numbers(Find greater or smaller)
  •       Add two whole numbers
  •       Subtract two numbers

Next on the blog….Comparison of two numbers using number line…

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

TANGENT (A direction to success): WHOLE NUMBERS

TANGENT (A direction to success): WHOLE NUMBERS: What are counting numbers?                                                                                                When we be...


What are counting numbers?

When we begin to count, we begin with 1, 2, 3, 4…they come naturally. So, these numbers are called Natural Numbers. Natural numbers start from 1.

From all natural numbers, we chose a number say 7.
We know there is a number before 7 and a number after 7.
If we add 1 to 7 we get 7 + 1 = 8.  ‘8’ is called the successor of 7.
If we subtract 1 from 7 we get 7 – 1 = 6. ‘6’ is called the predecessor of 7.

Successor and Predecessor

Successor: The successor of a number is the number obtained by adding 1 to it.
1 is the successor of 0, 2 is the successor of 1, 2 is the successor of 1 and so on…

Predecessor: The Predecessor of a number is the number obtained by subtracting 1 from it.

1 is the Predecessor of 2, 2 is the Predecessor of 3 and so on.
Note that 1 does not have a Predecessor in natural numbers.

Whole Numbers

If we add 0 to the collection of Natural numbers we get whole numbers. All basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be applied on Whole numbers.
So, 1 has a predecessor in whole numbers that is 0 but 0 does not have a predecessor.

Next we will be discussing number line….

Monday, 30 September 2013

TANGENT (A direction to success): TANGENT (A direction to success): PLACE VALUE

TANGENT (A direction to success): TANGENT (A direction to success): PLACE VALUE: TANGENT (A direction to success): PLACE VALUE : What will be the expansion of a two digit number like: 87 80 X 10 + 7 X 1 = 87 ( 7 is at...

Its Time for Answers

A1. 23794206>23756819>5032790>5032786>987876

A2. 2500000

A3. 72600705 = (7 x1,00,00,000 )+(2 x 10,00,000)+(6 x 1,00,000) + (7 x 100) + (5 x 1)

A4. (i)1000 (ii)1 (iii) Whole (iv)4,01,108

A5. 450,300

A6. $ 470,925, four hundred seventy thousand nine hundred and twenty five dollars

A7.186 Glasses

A8. Greatest number is 25286; smallest number is 25210

A9. 964320

A10. 600087<8014257 font="">

Hope these help you

TANGENT (A direction to success): PLACE VALUE

TANGENT (A direction to success): PLACE VALUE: What will be the expansion of a two digit number like: 87 80 X 10 + 7 X 1 = 87 ( 7 is at ones place and 8 at tens place) Similarly...

Sunday, 29 September 2013


What will be the expansion of a two digit number like: 87

80 X 10 + 7 X 1 = 87 ( 7 is at ones place and 8 at tens place)

Similarly an expansion of a three digit number 427 will be:

4 X 100 + 2 X 10 + 7 X 1 = 427

So, here we can say that 7 is at ones place, 2 is at tens place and 4 is at hundreds place.

If this idea is extended to a four digit number say 2138

It can be written as:
2 X 1000 + 1 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 8 X 1

Here, 8 is at ones place, 3 at tens place, 1 at hundreds place and 2 at thousands place.

Further extending to a 5-digit number say for example 28373

It can be written in the expanded form as:
2 X 10000 + 8 X 1000 + 3 X 100 + 7 X 10 + 3 X 1

That is 3 is at ones place, 7 at tens place, 3 at hundreds place, 8 at thousands place, 2 at ten thousands place.

When we want to write this number in words, we write it as:
Twenty eight thousand three hundred and seventy three.

Now let us introduce 1, 00, 000

What is the greatest 5-digit number?

99,999 that is Ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.

If we add 1 to the largest 5 digit number, what will we get?
We get 99,999 + 1 = 1,00, 000

Smallest six digit number which is 1 Lakh

So, now we may write any six digit number in words and can expand it.

Say, 2, 34, 567 in expanded form will be written as

2 X 1,00,000 + 3 X10,000 + 4 X 1000 + 5 X 100 + 6 X 10 + 7 X 1

Here 7 is at ones place, 6 at tens place, 4 at thousands place, 3 at ten thousands place, and 2 at lakh place.

In words, it can be written as:
Two lakh, thirty four thousand, five hundred and sixty seven.

If we add 1 to the largest six digit number 9,99,999 we get the smallest 7-digit number that is 10,00,000 called ten lakh.

If we add 1 to the largest seven digit number 99,99,999 we get the smallest 8-digit number that is 1,00,00,000 called one crore.


So, now for reading and writing large numbers
We make a table
For example if we want to expand a three digit number 347

We write it in table form as

H   T  O                 Expansion
3   4   7                    3 X 100 + 4 X 10 + 7 X 1

Where H stands for hundreds, T stands for tens and O stands for ones.
Similarly, large numbers can be expanded by the same manner by putting the digits in a tabular form called placement boxes.

Say 3, 54, 67, 243 can be written as

3, 54, 67, 243


This number in expanded form will be:
3 X 1,00,00,000 + 5 X 10,00,000 + 4 X 1,00,000 + 6 X 10,000 + 7 X 1000 + 2 X 100 + 4 X 10 + 3 X 1

And in words:
Three crore, fifty four lakhs, sixty seven thousand two hundred and forty three.

In the Indian system of numeration the commas between the digits are placed and are used to mark thousands, lakhs and crores.

We start by putting the first comma from the right after the thousands place that is three digits from right, then after two digits later that is after five digits from right, third comma after two digits again that is 7 digits from right. This marks crore

So, for the number above 35467243, the commas are put as 3, 54, 67, 243

Thursday, 26 September 2013

TANGENT (A direction to success): Practice Questions(Knowing our Numbers)

TANGENT (A direction to success): Practice Questions(Knowing our Numbers): Here are some questions based on this chapter...  Specially for mothers and teachers... make your child solve these questions for practi...

Practice Questions(Knowing our Numbers)

Here are some questions based on this chapter... 
Specially for mothers and teachers... make your child solve these questions for practice...

Qs1. Arrange the following in descending order:
5032786, 23794206, 5032790, 23756819, 987876

Qs2. Determine the product of the two place values of the two fives in 750956.

Qs3. Replace each blank with a multiple of 10, 10 or 1:
72600705 = (7 x …)+(2 x …)+(6 x …) + (7 x …) + (5 x …)

Qs4. Fill up:
(i)…. Thousand make a million
(ii) The smallest counting number is …
(iii) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are set of … numbers
(iv) Four hundred one thousand one hundred and eight

Qs5. Estimate the product:
786 x 567

Qs6. The cost of an office table is Rs 1365. How much will 345 tables cost. Write your answer in numbers?

Qs7. A vessel has 4 liters and 650ml of apple juice. How many glasses of 25ml capacity can be filled with juice?

Qs8. Find the greatest and the smallest of the following:
25286,  25245,  25270,  25210.

Qs9. Largest number formed by the digits 2, 4, 0, 3, 6, 9

Qs10.  Arrange the following in ascending order:

600087, 8014257, 8015632, 10012458, 8014306

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

TANGENT (A direction to success): TANGENT (A direction to success): KNOWING OUR NUMB...

TANGENT (A direction to success): TANGENT (A direction to success): KNOWING OUR NUMB...: TANGENT (A direction to success): KNOWING OUR NUMBERS : This is a chapter from Class 6 Read on to understand the chapter........ KNOWI...


How to form numbers from given digits?

  • To write the greatest number using these digits we place the given digits in ascending order unless there is a Zero.

  • To write the smallest number using these digits we place the given digits in descending order unless there is a Zero.

  • If there is Zero in the given digits then Zero does not come in the first place.

  • In case of greatest Zero will come in the last place and in case of smallest Zero will come in the second place and the rest of digits in ascending order.

Consider any Example to understand this concept.....

Given digits are: 2, 8, 7, 4

Greatest Number = 8742 & Smallest Number = 2478

Given digits are: 2, 0, 5, 8

Greatest Number = 8520

Smallest Number = 2058 (not 0258)